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As per Confucianism, it was valued to work for morals and the public, not for personal reasons. By como jogar em site de apostas MJ Kelly August 27, 2021. In an excerpt from his book Samurai: The World of the Warrior , [125] historian Stephen Turnbull describes the role of seppuku in feudal Japan: Other pundits pontificating on the warrior philosophy covered methods of raising children, appearance, and grooming, but all of this may be seen as part of one's constant preparation for death—to die a good death with one's honor intact, the ultimate aim in a life lived according to bushidō . Indeed, a ”good death” is its own reward, and by no means assurance of ”future rewards” in the afterlife. Some samurai , though certainly not all (e.g., Amakusa Shirō), have throughout history held such aims or beliefs in disdain, or expressed the awareness that their station—as it involves killing—precludes such reward, especially in Buddhism. Japanese beliefs surrounding the samurai and the afterlife are complex and often contradictory, while the soul of a noble warrior suffering in hell or as a lingering spirit occasionally appears in Japanese art and literature, so does the idea of a warrior being reborn upon a lotus throne in paradise [127] Period: Meiji to mid Showa (1868–1945).

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